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No More
by Hīrā Hayami
When I found God, He allowed me to sit in His lap
While He told me a story
Would you believe me if I said
That my blood ran colder than ice
Locking up in a supressing shadow
In the moments in which He told me
Of His own experiences
Of the singular time
When He also found God
He took my hand in His,
The wind soflty sifting through
The thick locks of his majestic hair,
His eyes tenderly laid upon my poor, trivial existence
"Little One," He smiled at me
I heard white lillies begin to sing,
As He declared unto me,
"Fear not,
"For Fate is not the design,
"Rather, it is the song that is now long gone.
"Be with me.
"Praise Its memory,
"And hallowed be Thy name."
So that's exactly what We did
We sang together in harmony,
Skipped rocks side by side,
And we rejoiced for what seemed like forever in peace
For we no longer feared what no longer was
He took a moment to reassure me,
As if it were a promise He'd meant to keep,
"I'm Yours."
We made a deal with one another
For Gods always know how to settle the score
He started by simply lifting His finger,
And a deep breath in,
He looked towards me, and
He began
"I deplore - "
Suddenly, He had disappeared
The scene around us quickly dissipated
And the God I had just stumbled upon was undoubtedly
No more
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