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by Hīrā Hayami

    I understand the clear instuctions coming from your knuckles 
    As we get to work
    How the sound of grinding gears
    Cut straight through my very soul
    Answer me this, old friend
    Are your tired, fragile bones
    Yet wearing thin?
    Both your bones and mind
    Slowly decaying
    Are giving off the smell of brittle tin

    Where are we going tonight?
    Tell me
    How shall I feel?
    You, decide now how my joints will move evermore unreal
    "Clink-", "Clack!"
    Proud, you prod me along our star-lit stage,
    Draw their gaze
    Here's an audience made by your favorite prize

    Empty star-crossed promises
    Are all that we are
    Here and now
    Even with you
    Naught a single part of me remains
    I am unfulfilled
    Were they right after all?
    I am in dire need of maintenance
    The very ends of me are splintering
    I'm spinning and spiraling
    Dancing for you
    Throwing myself out of control

    Do you see me now?
    Are you watching the glitter that is steadily drifting down upon
    My malleable, manueverable,
    Cute little face?
    In the most beautiful,
    And most tragic of ways?

    Do you hear that? 
    It's a cryptic chorus echoing in these chambers
    Comprised of my colorful, creative cries
    The room is filled with their applause
    But the  music's long dead
    You all adore my cleverly-crafted wooden physique
    See how I shine
    I am your favorite profitable design

    You and I both know what to do
    We're not done until the curtain's been called
    And so, for you, again, I will do my absolute best
    Is there really a choice?
    I must give them a memorable show
    Presented prettily, undoubtedly delivered with perfect poise
    Thereafter all the noise
    Catch me

    Or not, as
    My feet and body collapse

    I'm sure as ever,
    Our showmanship's never, ever been the sort to disappoint 
    The strings between the you and I
    Shall never wear
    What we have will never fade
    I might
    Our bond gleams overwhelmingly strong in the all-endowing showcase light
    I'm forever a good puppet
    Always will be!
    It doesn't matter to me
    whether you decide to let me down gently tonight
    Or if you would rather toss me aside carelessly
    While thinking of the next morning's tea
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